Limp, Tits and Flap in one sentence
Oct 05, 2023What I find odd is that we consider this an odd question at all.
Like the idea of daring to whisper the word less plucks us out of a lineup we didn't even know we were in.
A neon light languidly flickers on, the word “odd” scrawled in the dark and beneath it, a buzzing blinking arrow pointing at the crown of our heads. It’s the kind of sign that directs strangers to a Speakeasy, a hideout for renegades who want to drink gin past 3am and listen to jazz while the city sleeps.
As the rest of the capitalist world strives for more, to consider less feels like an act of rebellion.
Is this odd? Probably, but wonderfully so. I like the rebels the best.
I guess a great place to start would be to work out what less means to you.
In a world of limitless possibility and where productivity is currency, less is probably still more than enough.
We’re currently drenched in a social media tidal wave of grandiose lifestyles, 7 figure launches and enough get rich quick schemes to brainwash us into believing that happiness lies in more money, scaling businesses and going viral on the gram.
We’re all susceptible. Last week I got caught in an algorithm rip curl. Before I knew it I was being swept out to a sea of “day in the life” reels.
Come behind the scenes as I make 6 figures in my pajamas
Get ready with me for the Gucci show
Let’s go together to pick up my brand new car from the dealership
I caught myself swirling and somehow managed to doggy paddle my way back to shore finding myself washed up, panting for air and feeling like shit. My business looked meagre in comparison, my wardrobe felt cheap and my car was suddenly an embarrassment. I needed to do better, to do more, to strive harder.
But this is my ego leading the charge, a Gollum like creature desperately trying to cling onto the next big thing like it’s screaming out to its precious. It’s a relentless pursuit.
As the limp tits of my ego flap around in the wind I have to steady myself on land. I ask myself what I think more is going to deliver me that I can’t already access in what I already have. I ask myself, can I be happy now?
I’m gonna tell you something about my coaching that I’ve never said publically (because it sounds like career suicide).
I’ve coached many women to let go of the idea of more. Women who feel undervalued think more will solve their problems. But to be a woman of influence is to live a life that delights your very soul. Sometimes that does mean changing jobs, being promoted or scaling a business but sometimes it’s more about being brave enough to say “this is enough for now”.
The lure of starting your own side hustle, launching your own business or striving for the next level in your career can be like a mermaid calling ships to the rock. It seems sexy, a clear pathway to an isle of fortune. It's all tits and hair and shell jewellery… until the ship springs a leak and you realise those damn mermaids were calling you to rocky ground.
What my watery analogy is trying to tell you is setting course for more doesn’t guarantee you happiness.
The pathway to more is not automatically a more worthwhile one.
A worthwhile path is a path that delights you. It’s a path that enriches your life and allows you to know yourself. Sometimes striving for bigger things does the opposite of that.
So what does worthwhile look like to you? It might have nothing to do with money or business or materialism.
It could be in the quiet growth of your tomato plants, feeling the dirt in your fingers and the taste of your labour on your tongue.
It might be the knitting of a winter jumper that you give to someone who’s smile fills your heart with joy.
It could be uncovered by joining your local choir and finding belonging on soundwaves that send shivers down your spine.
Making room in our lives for these endeavours is what makes life magical.
These things are rarely paraded around social media as aspirational because exclusivity is what sells. And these wholesome activities are available to us all. That’s the irony. We strive for more because we think we’re securing our worth. But a worthy life has nothing to do with what you have, and everything to do with how you feel.
Figure out what your ego is straining towards and what your soul is craving. Don’t be scared to turn your back on the norm and find the stairs to the Speakeasy. Dance with the women of influence who dare to be different. In a world that tells us how we should look, what we should earn and how we should live, doing it our own way is a rebellious act.
So if you’re called to it, go and build a life of less. For it is no more or less worthy than any other life that brings delight to the soul who lives it.
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